
This journal is not accepting submissions at this time.

Author Guidelines

NOTE: Please do not use the "Online Submission" form above - contact the editors instead.


Please coordinate your publication with the editors. If you plan to publish something in the Newsletter, please contact the editors first describing your goal. Such a coordination will save you and us a lot of work. We welcome analytical articles, annotated publications of documents, project presentations – to see what gets published in the International Newsletter, we recommend to browse the past issues' Tables of Contents.

If you are interested to review a book in the International Newsletter, please contact the editors first, including information about yourself. Also feel free to contact us if you have review suggestions for books to be reviewed, or if you are an author/publisher and want the International Newsletter to review your books. Please note that unsolicited reviews will not be accepted.

Also, you are welcome to send in current informations concerning books, articles, movies, exhibitions etc. relevant for Communist studies in your respective countries.

Text Guidelines:

The International Newsletter publishes contributions in English, German, French, Spanish, Portuguese and Russian. Contributions in other languages can be submitted only after prior consultation. For the sake of the contributions reaching a wider audience, we encourage authors to choose English as the language of their contribution.


(All values are approximate – all character figures include spaces)

- Articles: up to approx. 35.000 characters
- Articles on archives: up to approx. 20.000 characters
- Project presentations: up to approx. 15.000 characters
- Reviews: from 5.000 up to 15.000 characters

Articles are required to feature an English-language abstract of approx. 1.000 characters.

Authors are required to supply an Englisch-language short biographical note of approx. 450 characters.


John Q. Public

PhD, born in 1949. Professor of Modern History at the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Sampletown, USA. Research fields: Comparative Communist history, Cultural Studies. Recent monograph: Communist Parties in Comparison, Basingstoke 2009.

To forestall future delays, please comply to the following guidelines:

- Please supply your contribution in Microsoft Word format.
- Text should be formatted using Arial size 10, line spacing 1.2; Abstracts and footnote texts should be formatted using Arial size 9.
- Deactivate automatic hyphenation and automatic numbering.
- Use footnotes instead of endnotes; footnote numbers are to be placed after the punctuation mark.
- Make use of the dash ("–") and the hyphen ("-") when appropriate.
- Separate paragraphs not through indentions, but through an empty line.
- Quotes have to be put into double quotation marks, quotes within quotes have to be put into simple quotation marks.
- For names, titles and quotes in languages with a non-latin character set (e.g. Russian), use the scholarly transliteration system used in your country (e.g. "Wissenschaftliche Transliteration" in Germany and ALA-LC Romanization in anglophone countries). Do not use "Duden-Umschrift" and similar popular systems.
- First names of authors or of other persons referred to in the text should be given in full (Mikhail Pokrovskii instead of M. Pokrovskii) when a person appears for the first time, it is sufficient to use surnames thereafter, unless more than one person referred to has the same surname. Abbreviated first names should in no case be used, unless, in a seldom case, it is common to refer to a person in that way (e.g. F.C. Weiskopf, H.G. Wells).
- Organisational and other acronyms have to be deciphered in their original language version when first mentioned. Exceptions are broadly used and established acronyms like USSR or GDR.
- Names of institutions, organisations, serials and periodicals have to be put in italics.
- Numbers one to twelve are, in general, spelt out. The last three digits of larger numbers should be separated by a point (e.g. 7.500, 100.000).

Archival Sources

When you quote an archival source, please write out the archive's name and location as well as the complete archival signature at first appearance, afterwards you may use an abbreviation for the institutions. Please always supply a title or, in case there is none, a short title of the quoted document.

Example, first appearance of an archive:

Letter from Willi Münzenberg to Grigorii Zinov'ev, 3.7.1921, Rossiiskii gosudarstvennyi arkhiv social'no-politicheskoi istorii (RGASPI), Moscow, fond 324, opis' 1, delo 554, list 35.

Letter from Franz Dahlem to the KPD leadership in Moscow, 25.9.1940, Stiftung Archiv der Parteien und Massenorganisationen der DDR im Bundesarchiv (SAPMO-BArch), Berlin, RY 5/I 6/3/317, 55-59.

Example, repeated appearance of an archive:

Protocol of the Orgbureau of the RKP(b), 27.3.1919. RGASPI, 17/112/2, 6.

Letter from Franz Dahlem to Edouard Daladier, 20.9.1939. SAPMO-BArch, DY 30/9975, 73-74.


No separated bibliography needed – please supply your bibliographical items in the respective footnotes.

To write down titles in languages with a non-latin character set (e.g. Russian), please use the scholarly transliteration system used in your country (e.g. "Wissenschaftliche Transliteration" in Germany and ALA-LC romanization in anglophone countries).

The full title of the quoted publication is only to be used at first appearance, afterwards please use a short title. To abbreviate "page(s)" and "editor(s)", please use the abbreviations normally used in the language of your contribution, e.g. "S." and "Hg." in German and "p. / pp." and "ed. / eds." in English.

Here are examples for the citation structure used by the International Newsletter (as if used in an English-language contribution):


Gennadii Estraikh: Yiddish in the Cold War, Leeds, Legenda, 2008.

Aleksandr O. Chubarian: Kanun tragedii. Stalin i mezhdunarodnyi krizis. Sentiabr' 1939 - iiun' 1942 goda, Moskva, Nauka, 2008, p. 49.

Franziska Augstein: Von Treue und Verrat. Jorge Semprún und sein Jahrhundert, München, Beck, 2008, pp. 38-39.

Articles in Journals:

Michael Löwy: Communism and Religion. Jose Carlos Mariategui's Revolutionary Mysticism. In: Latin American Perspectives 35 (2008), 2, pp. 71-79, here: p. 72.

Iaroslav Shimov: Ukroshchennaia revolutsiia. Tri lika bonapartizma. In: Neprikosnovennyi zapas (2008), 4, pp. 95-114.

Joachim von Puttkamer: Strukturelle und kulturelle Grundlagen des Politischen in Ostmitteleuropa im 20. Jahrhundert. In: Comparativ 19 (2008), 2, pp. 87-98.

Articles in Edited Volumes:

Sobhanlal Datta Gupta: Rethinking Indian Communism. New Findings. In: Harihar Bhattacharyya, Abhijit Ghosh (eds.): Indian Political Thought and Movements. New interpretations and Emerging Issues, Kolkata, K.P. Bagchi & Co., 2007, pp. 146-162, here: p. 160.

A. A. Igolkin: Natsional'nye otnosheniia v raionakh neftedobychi v 1920-e gody. In: Aleksandr S. Seniavskii (ed.): NÈP. Èkonomicheskie, politicheskie i sotsiokul'turnye aspekty, Moskva, ROSSPÈN, 2006, pp. 502-511.

Bernhard H. Bayerlein: Stalinismus, Opposition und Widerstand in Polen. Die "Affäre Leon Lipski". In: Hermann Weber, Uli Mählert (eds.): Verbrechen im Namen der Idee. Terror im Kommunismus, Berlin, Aufbau-Verlag, 2007, pp. 228-252.

Articles in Newspapers:

Boris Nikolaevsky: Comintern Apparatus Now Part of Berlin's "Fifth Column" Ministry. In: The New Leader (New York), 27.4.1940.

Germanskie "nezavisimye" revoliutsionery. In: Pravda, 24.11.1918.

Ryszard Nazarewicz: Mit der Roten Armee Berlin befreit. Polen und das Ende des Zweiten Weltkrieges. Militärische und wirtschaftliche Aspekte. In: Neues Deutschland, 1./2.4.1995.

Internet Sources:

Rebekka Denz, David Slucki, Frank Wolff: The Exploration of Activity. Literature on the Jewish Labor Bund. In:, URL: <>. [Last consulted: 18.9.2009].

Rossiiskie sotsialisty i anarkhisty posle Oktiabria 1917 goda, URL: <>. [Last consulted: 18.9.2009].

Andreas Oberender: Der Gewaltmensch Stalin im Spiegel von Dimitrovs Tagebuch. In: Zeithistorische Forschungen/Studies in Contemporary History 5 (2008), 1, p. 142-150, URL: <>. [Last consulted: 18.9.2009].

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